Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Truth Doesn't Mean Anything

The first time I heard that it made no sense to me.  Today I keep it in mind when I want to speak from my heart.

This view on truth reveals why so many communications take an unwanted turn. Truth has no meaning on its own; it just is. For example if I were to say to someone (in a matter of fact way) “the glass is on the table” it would be, simply, the truth. Then imagine I raise my voice, and glare yelling, “The glass is on the table!” Now I have imparted a meaning where there was none before, with the exception of information. While the statement is true the delivery has judgment attached to it.

When I aware enough to remember it, this revelation has helped me avoid many a problem. When another's voice carries judgment my typical response is one of defense or retreat. Depending on my objective this is essential to understand. When I am looking to resolve an issue, with anyone, speaking the truth without some implied judgment is far more potent, as it does not call forth the same resistance.

Truth as a weapon is not exactly the truth.

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