Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Strange and Common Notions

  As my skill observing (without judgment) increased, I saw how predictable many of my feelings were. 

   I remember thinking/imagining I did not get angry often, so when I did, it was righteous anger. Given that something upset me that much, I must be right about it. This was not said outright; it is my default attitude. It’s where the energy, in the words come from. Paying attention (being present) to the impressions coming and the instantaneous reactions to them allowed  discovery of the routines that kicked-in when reactivated. What I thought of as seldom was a distortion.

Observing this act (behavior) and asking the question, did it produce what I wanted. I realized it usually left a bad taste in the relationship. Not the result I wanted. My success rate with changing others was so poor I can’t remember it working.

Ah-ha, the premise was based on the idea that if I could get them to do things the way I wanted; I wouldn’t have to feel the way I did. 

    It is one of those strange notions I lived from and did not think about. It is a common practice to see people try to change others so they don’t have to be upset by them. Saying it out loud; it sounds crazy.

Have you noticed any strange notions?

1 comment:

  1. Double ah-ha! It is very inspiring and personally takes me back to reality and how often I am guilty. Thank you for sharing!
